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The public should be aware that any complaints sent to the practice should comply with our complaints procedure and clearly state the name of the registered patient and their contact details.   Anonymised and fictitious complaints will be passed to the police as malicious communications.

My Health On Line (MHOL) App will be shortly be decommissioned and all patients need to join the New All Wales App asap (see below)

“Please note we are moving away from MHOL so please register for the NHS Wales App as soon as possible”.

For existing patients to make the transition they will need to meet the below criteria:

  • Be 16 or older.
  • Have a valid photo identity - required to create a full NHS Login account (passport / driving licence) which is the same as the COVID international travel pass criteria.
  • Their own individual e-mail address. 

Once connected to the App you will no longer need to remember the MHOL web address, or their login details. There is also a desktop version available in English – and in Welsh –                                        

Please note: The NHS Wales App does not currently support patients and the public accessing services on behalf of another individual e.g., parents; guardians; or carers. The NHS Wales App Team are developing individual proxy requirements (person to person)


We are now a training practice, this means we provide specialist GP training to GP registrars.  You may see one of our GP registrars in Surgery, they are fully qualified doctors, often with many years experience in other fields of medicine.

You may see Medical Students from Swansea Medical School at the practice over the next few months.  Like all our staff they are bound by confidentiality and your consent will be sought if they are present in the consultation or treatment room. 

Activity Data Dashboard Brunswick Health Centre - Monthly updated  - this can also be found in reception on our dedicated notice board   

February Activity Data

Emails = 540

Texts (SMS)  = 534

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